Investing in Gold, Rare Gold Coins, Gold Coins and Gold Bullion
Liquidity - Gold and Gold Coin's great strength is its "same as cash" quality. Gold is liquid anywhere in the world, and funds from gold are quickly available.
Safety - Gold Coin Investment is one of the safest assets in existence, whereas securities and real estate are often unpredictable. Gold is well-positioned to benefit from a world event, and is so sheltered it's used to place capital in the safest possible place.
Privacy - Gold Coins are private, compact, and easy to store. Selected gold types have little or no reporting requirements, and older gold is nearly impossible to follow.
Self-reliance - Gold Coin Investment is independent of outside factors. It requires no auditor or outside solvency. Gold is not dependent on marketing, productivity, government or harvest.
Worth Preservation - Gold is a direct offset to inflation concerns.
Growth - Gold has the potential to outperform any other investment. The upside on gold can be substantial, especially if gold is accumulated while it is inexpensive. Take advantage of low prices, as they do not imply problems. Volume and consumption rise with low prices and eventually prices move up.
Personal Security - Gold's immunity from chaos and risk is why central banks keep it. For a secure financial foundation, holding approximately 15% of your portfolio in gold will provide a formidable safety net.
Insurance - Gold creates a natural insurance policy; however, physical gold is necessary for reliable protection (even gold stocks can suffer in a bear market). The same issues that hurt the markets positively trigger gold.
Ease - Gold, when bought in small or unlimited amounts or different forms, tends to reduce your cost. Quantity doesn't determine your gold cost.
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