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Long Distance Bike Riding and Success

It was cold that night, but I did not care, I only cared about one thing staying focused and not quitting. Indeed I had already ridden thru Oregon and along the Northern California Coast and then the Russian River and thru San Francisco in 3 days and I was now on an extremely long ride trying to force two-days of riding into one trek.

I honestly believe and well I know for a fact now that indeed human intent and will, with proper strategy and a little planning ahead and that you are as good as Gold. In fact I forgot about time during that ride, as I put in one leg of 272 miles non-stop.

Riding thru the night listening to nature; coyotes, owls and critters in the bushes as the wind howled sometimes in my face other times at my back on the long slow “S-turn” road, it hit me, as I was beat and fatigued, but had absolutely no thoughts of quitting. I was riding thru Big Sur at Sunrise now to complete the trek on my way into Santa Ynez.

That morning I woke up figuratively still on the bike, knowing that there is nothing in life you cannot do and as I crested the hill of another cove on that two-lane highway, I felt like I was riding thru a "Successories" poster picture in someone's office. But it was real life and there I was in the photo.

I now know now that victory and success go to those who perservere to go beyond what they said could not be done. I mention this to you my fellow cyclist and wish you well and if you believe that there is nothing you cannot do in this life then you are 110% correct and God's Speed on your next race! .


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